Community Design
Millwork District Revitalization
Over one million square feet of historic warehouse space will be redeveloped in the Historic Millwork District. While private building owners are committed to renovating the warehouse using sustainable best practice, the public sector will create complete streets that are accessible for all.
Bee Branch Restoration
Over 4,500 feet of buried Bee Branch Creek is being excavated reconstructed, and restored. This project will benefit 1,150 homes from flood protections and meet today's design standards for stormwater management.
“A multi-phased, fiscally responsible investment to mitigate flooding, improve water quality, stimulate investment, and enhance quality of life within the Bee Branch Watershed.”
Smarter Sustainable Dubuque
This project was initiated in September 2009 with a goal to conduct research and create a replicable model of sustainability for communities of 200,000 and under. The City of Dubuque has partnered with IBM Watson Research Center’s Global “Smarter Planet” Initiative and other key partners to establish this research function and develop new “smarter” technologies paired with community outreach and implementation strategies. This has grown into a collaboration between two dozen industries as well as eight state and federal agencies.
Dubuque Works
A regional partnership bringing employers, funding partners, workforce experts and educators together to meet the workforce needs of local employers. Under the umbrella, partners focus on three goals: 1) Human capital, 2) Skill development, and 3) Collaboration & evaluation. While each focusing on their respective strengths, partners work together to identify and address recruitment, retention, and relocation needs, build workforce capacity through a variety of employer training programs, and utilize best practices and analytics to ensure they are improving outcomes for local employers.
Downtown Farmers’ Market
Partnering with various non-profits to increase access to healthy local foods for all residents. Customers use SNAP benefits to pay for produce through EBT transactions, receive free rides on The Jule public transit when traveling to and from market, and can participate in market tours and cooking demonstrations to learn about healthy lifestyle choices. In 2016, partners launched Double Up Food Bucks, an initiative to provide a dollar for dollar match for EBT/SNAP recipients.
Project Hope (Helping Our People Excel)
An employment initiative created in partnership by the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque and DubuqueWorks designed to dissolve barriers and help service providers, education and training providers, employers and job seekers build bridges to establish equitable, long-term employment opportunities for all, including the unemployed and under employed.
“Project HOPE encourages and facilitates collaboration, communication and advocacy among referral resources, education/training providers, employers, and people in our community to dissolve existing disparity and ensure equity in employment and economic opportunities.”
Re-engage Dubuque
Re-engage Dubuque is a partnership to connect young people aged 16 to 21 who did not complete high school to alternative education options and post- secondary education/training.
Re-engagement coaches work with these young people to develop personalized plans for completing a high school diploma or a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) and exploring options for further study.
Since August 2012, the initiative’s coaches have connected with over 430 dropouts and enrolling them in online courses, alternative and traditional high schools and adult education programs. As of Fall 2016, 126 individuals have completed the program.