Youth Climate Action Fund 2025
The Youth Climate Action Fund, established and supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies and delivered in partnership with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation (BCPI) at Johns Hopkins University as a fiscally sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA), provides technical assistance and funding to cities worldwide to engage tens of thousands of youth aged 15 through 24 in designing, implementing, and overseeing urgent climate solutions. In just one year, the program has delivered remarkable results. During Round 1, 98 cities collectively awarded over US$4 million to fund 1,102 youth-led projects, empowering nearly 4,000 young people to lead local climate action.
In Round 2 of the Youth Climate Action Fund, more than 90 cities across five continents, including Dubuque, Iowa, will receive an additional US$100,000 to fund youth-led climate initiatives. Building on the successes and lessons learned from Round 1, this next phase focuses on greater ambition, more creative solutions, and the long-term integration of youth engagement into city practices and routines - reflecting the growth of the program and the leadership of participating cities.
January 24, 2025 - Round 2 Launch - Call for Proposals Opens
February - April 2025 - Project Ideation & Selection
March 4, 2025 - EarthTank* (pitch your project idea to a panel of judges and win $$ prizes)
April 22, 2025 - Project Selections Announced, Implementation Begins
October 31, 2025 - Project Completion Deadline
December 31, 2025 - Final Report Due
Application Deadlines:
March 4, 2025 - First round of online applications due and EarthTank Pitch
March 28, 2025 - Final round of online applications due
*EarthTank is a verbal pitch/presentation using a slide deck (template found here). Audience will vote for winners in the following categories: Best aligned with 50% by 2030 Climate Action Plan and Crowd Favorite. Winners will take home cash prizes!
To empower young individuals to design, produce, and govern urgent climate solutions in our city, in alignment with the 50% by 2030 Climate Action Plan.
Award Size:
Chosen applicants will receive micro-grants of $1,000 - $5,000 to support climate action projects done by youth.
Open to applicants between the ages 15 - 24 years old who live, work, study, and play in Dubuque and surrounding areas.
Youth - serving organizations with a lead youth applicant.
Projects can vary in scope but have to align with Dubuque’s 50% by 2030 Climate Action Plan.
How to Apply:
Applications are open and can be found here. If you plan to join our EARTHTANK and pitch your idea live please indicate on the application.
Office Hours:
We are offering office hours ever week to assist with project ideation and proposal building.
Tu/Th 10:30-11:30 am: Join the meeting now
Wed 2-3pm: Join the meeting now
Additional Information:
Applicants are not required to use the provided budget template and have the option to create their own but a budget must be included with application.
Are Dubuque County residents eligible?
Yes, any youth, ages 15-24 in the region are eligible.
Can I participate if I live outside of Dubuque, in the county, in Illinois or Wisconsin?
Yes, however City of Dubuque youth resident’s applications will be the priority.
Can my organization participate if we serve youth?
Yes, but the applicant must be a youth between the ages of 15-24 and the project led by youth.
Can I participate on my own?
Yes, we are working on making the process easy for individuals and groups to participate.
How many individuals can I have within my youth group?
As many as you’d like.
Do I have to pick a project from the idea bank above?
Nope. The idea bank is to spark ideas! We encourage you to create and implement your own solution as long as it aligns with the 50% by 2030 Community Climate Action Plan.
Are these microgrants only for science-based projects?
Nope! We would love to see and fund proposals centered around the arts! Here are some examples of using art to highlight important climate issues.
Round 1 Recipients of Bloomberg Philanthropies Youth Climate Action Microgrants
Jacqueline Hunter - ToyCycle: Empowering Tomorrow’s Eco-Leaders
Ashley Noonan - Moving to Zero Waste at University of Dubuque
Paige Manning - Increasing Awareness About Vector Borne Diseases
David Witthoeft - Solar Powered Charging Banks
Kyra Stoll - Greening Dubuque
Amanada Soat - Sustainable Stories: Books for the Community
Maddie Hoffman - Solution to Recognizing Air Pollution
Ana Rivera - Dubuque Sustainable Shopping Guide
Lucy Conlon - Restaurant Composting
Dubuque Bike Coop - Complete Streets for Kids
Photos taken from the Youth Climate Action Kickoff Event 2024